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Thursday, January 12, 2012


Ergonomics – Handmaster Plus at the Forefront of Ergonomic Exercise

Handmaster Plus was an innovative exercise exhibitor at the recent Ergo Expo in Las Vegas at Caesars Palace. I have exhibited Handmaster Plus in many tradeshows in many different markets and the ergonomics market is one of the most thrilling and well-positioned of any in healthcare today.

Ergonomics is positioned to be a leader of health and health models throughout the world. The premise of ergonomics is to consider both the worker and the workplace as a team and to fit both in the way that is most healthy and most productive. This premise is not only a cost-effective model, but it is a model for worker health, safety and productivity. Our healthcare systems can learn a lot from ergonomics.

Privately and publicly owned companies must pay attention to profit and bottom-line considerations. In these days of 'the tight economy,' all aspects relating to business must be well thought out. Business owners cannot have unnecessary workday costs and interruptions - especially those that are preventable. To spend the money up front for proper worker conditions of safety and productivity is a positive investment in the company's future. It is a paradigm shift towards 'cause' rather than 'symptom.' It is cost-effective, respectful to the worker, and necessary for the business. Our national healthcare systems could learn a lot by studying the underlying premise of ergonomics.

Ergonomists are now beginning to add proper fitness routines to their workers' daily habits. The reason is that even when the workplace and worker are positioned in the most favorable positions the activities are still repetitive and mostly static, or at the least imbalanced. Muscles, joints and general circulation are compromised, even when the worker is performing in the most neutral mechanical positions. This leads to mechanical imbalance - and injury... some of the most expensive injuries that rob businesses through direct costs & worker's compensation insurance.

At Handmaster Plus, we have been talking about RSI (repetitive stress injury) prevention for over 10 years. All of our EMG studies are performed with subjects in an ergonomically 'neutral' position, and we are able to easily observe the degree of muscle imbalance, static contraction and chronic muscle overload that occurs even in the most seemingly meek office jobs, such as computer workers or data entry. Add to that a more physically taxing job such as checkout cashier, or assembly-line worker and we can see that muscle imbalance, joint instability and poor blood flow are predictable and, in many cases, inevitable.

At doczac Enterprises Inc, we continue to address worker imbalance as well as imbalance inherent in sports, music, and hobby as well. We continue to push the idea of maximum wellness, maximum performance and maximum disease prevention as opposed to the aging & inferior medical model of waiting for and treating symptoms. In the ergonomics marketplace, preventing injury and maximizing performance potential is already the message. At is a message that is getting stronger and more deliberate – and it is a message that our medical healthcare systems cannot ignore for much longer because of growing debt.

At doczac Enterprises Inc, we have said for a long time that 'the cure is in the cause' not 'in the condition' and we are extremely excited to continue to work in ergonomics where this message is already in place.

If you are in ergonomist, OT, PT, chiropractor or workplace safety specialist, please contact us at or visit our website at We can work directly with you for orders large and small; and can help to train you to train your employees to use Handmaster Plus with our one-step, continuous, complete hand, wrist, and elbow stabilization program.

When your workers are proactive and exercising in balance, the risk of hand, wrist and elbow injuries (and associated costs) are hugely minimized, adding to your company's bottom line and to your employees health, happiness and productivity.

See our YouTube Introduction to Ergonomics I - Ergonomic Exercise video

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