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Friday, November 13, 2009


Mechanic's, Dentist's, Carpenter's, Surgeon's Hands & Injuries

There are many occupations where the hands are at great risk for injury. Mechanics are among the most at risk. The standard progression of mechanical hand injuries is confusing. Because mechanics use their hands frequently and aggressively in a daily fashion, their flexor muscles become very strong in a short time. This can be very misleading because the flexor muscles are not progressing in relation to the extensor muscles. Therefore, the early and middle stages of the mechanics career are generally uneventful.

While the flexors are quite strong through the early and middle stages of the mechanics career, the finger extensor muscles are different. The two roles of the finger extensor muscles are 1) to extend or open the fingers and 2) stabilize the hand during finger flexion. Obviously the mechanic does not open the fingers very often during his career, so the fingers are not actively moved through their full range of motion. Thus, the finger extensor muscles are never properly strengthened or developed. On the other hand, the finger extensor muscles do contract regularly to stabilize the fingers and hands when the mechanic is using his finger flexor muscles. The problem with this function of the extensor muscles is that the extensor muscles only contract statically, in one position. Therefore, they become shortened muscles that are very easy to injure. As well, because the finger flexor muscles are allowed to contract regularly and the finger extensor muscles do not fully contract to oppose that, the finger flexor muscles become inflexible, and shorten over time.

So the common problem that most mechanics will experience at some point will relate to either 1) shortened finger flexor muscles, or 2) shortened, static finger extensor muscles. Two examples that result from the first scenario are carpal tunnel syndrome and palmer fasciitis. Two examples that result from the second scenario are tennis elbow and extensor tendinitis.

All workers that are dependent on gripping with their hands throughout their career should be preparing their hands properly to avoid these injuries. We developed Handmaster Plus so that people with these types of careers can do their best to avoid injuries and maximize the function of their hands. There are many examples of these types of careers, mechanics being only one. Carpenters, laborers, truck drivers, heavy equipment operators are all in the same category. Surgeons, dentists, and dental hygienists are examples of careers using the fine muscles of the hand repetitively as well. All of these workers would benefit greatly from using the Handmaster Plus at any stage of their career as this will give them the greatest chance of avoiding injury. It will also maximize the function of their hands during their careers.

The reason is that Handmaster Plus strengthens all of the 9 muscles that open the hand as well as the 9 muscles that close the hand, all in one continuous exercise. The result is strength, balance, and healthy blood flow to all of the tissues of the hand, wrist, forearm and elbow. Because the Handmaster Plus allows the user to exercise their hand through a full range of motion, the user will experience elongated muscles, muscle balance and maximum circulation, all of which lead to healthy tissues.

It is sad to see when a person has had a full career only to find that they are debilitated for their retirement years, if not earlier. Proper exercise to offset the imbalanced nature of jobs such as mechanics is the best insurance policy against these debilitating repetitive injuries.

Visit for more information about the Handmaster Plus including how to purchase. E-mail us at for more information about how to prevent debilitating repetitive injuries at your workplace.



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