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Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Hand and Finger Exercise In 2013 - Why Handmaster Plus is a Must Have

There is much misinformation and misunderstanding regarding hand muscles and proper balanced hand and finger exercise. To follow is a summary why we have spent the last 13 years researching and developing Handmaster Plus so that proper hand exercise principles could be followed and understood easily. Poor hand exercise and repetitive grip (RSI) has been the root cause of finger, thumb, hand, wrist, carpal tunnel and elbow imbalance conditions and poor performance for decades - and is especially the case in our current computer, smartphone and video game crazy society.

Here is a recap of hand muscles, Handmaster Plus and balanced hand exercise applications.

The 9 muscles that close the hand are located generally on the front of the hand, wrist, forearm and elbow. The 9 muscles that open the hand are generally located on the back of the hand, wrist, forearm and elbow. Most people have very strong closing (grip) muscles, due to repetitive gripping, but very weak hand opening muscles. This imbalance threatens the health of the lower arm and hand. Due to the diversity of the hand muscles, in order to have strong, healthy hands, wrists, carpal tunnels, forearms and elbows, the muscles that open and close the hand must be in balance. 

Handmaster Plus™ is unique due to its ability to exercise the hand through full, natural planes of motion, through both the opening and closing actions. It strengthens and balances all 18 hand muscles in one exercise.

Other products dictate how and where the hand must move in an exercise, often only in 2-dimensions and not through the full range of motion. Not Handmaster Plus™… It allows the natural motion of the hand to dictate the motion of the exercise. The result is optimal muscle strength, balance and flexibility, as well as comprehensive nerve stimulation, blood flow and venous/lymphatic drainage to and away from the area.

Compare the Handmaster Plus™ to other products and consider:

  1. Is the hand moving through all ranges of motion, both opening & closing?
  2. Is the hand moving naturally, in 3 dimensions?
  3. Are all peripheral nerves to the hand being stimulated (median, ulnar & radial)?

The Handmaster Plus™ is an all-around hand, wrist, carpal tunnel, forearm & elbow training, rehabilitation and injury prevention solution.

The product is designed by Dr. Terry P. Zachary, a health care professional and former professional golfer. 

“I originally designed the product to train finger and thumb extension and abduction for performance enhancement and injury prevention”, says Dr. Zachary. “It worked out as well as I could have ever imagined. As I used it in practice, it also became my perfect final phase protocol for most hand, wrist, carpal tunnel, forearm and elbow conditions.”

“Explain the desired exercise to your patient and send them on their way. Daily use of the product will improve their muscle strength, balance and stability, as well as improve blood flow and lymph drainage to all tissues and joint surfaces in the area. This will re-establish the efficient supply of oxygen and nutrients and improve the transport of toxins away from the tissue. Ultimately, the tissue is brought to an optimal situation and the risk of reoccurring adhesions and scar formation is greatly reduced. The key to the success of the product is how the body naturally reacts to daily, balanced exercise through full, natural planes of motion. The user just opens and closes their hand. So simple.”


Handmaster Plus™ Practice Applications:

(**Use 1-3 times/day until comfortable fatigue. Practitioner determines strength of product used.)

Why Handmaster Plus?

1. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Repetitive flexion activity resulting in shortened and/or inflamed flexor tendons is most often causative. Bone & joint alignment are affected. Muscular imbalance and/or swelling precipitate a decrease in the space of the carpal tunnel. Median nerve pathology results.
1. Equalizes the ratio between flexor and extensor muscle strength. 
2. Strengthens finger and thumb abduction.
3. Increases blood flow and lymph drainage through the CT.
4. Exercises muscles through full, natural planes of motion.

2. Lateral Epicondylitis

(Tennis Elbow)
Overuse or direct injury occurs to the tendon(s) of a finger and/or wrist extensor muscle at its origin, the lateral epicondyle (of the humerus). Weakness and/or  tendon pathology (usually avascularity) is often causative.
1. Strengthens all finger extensor AND wrist extensor muscles (see tennis elbow exercise).
2. Equalizes the ratio between flexor and extensor muscle strength. 
3. Increases blood flow and lymph drainage.
4. Exercises muscles through full, natural planes of motion.

3. Medial Epicondylitis

(Golfer’s Elbow)
Overuse or direct injury occurs to the tendon(s) of a finger and/or wrist flexor muscle(s) at its origin, the medial epicondyle (of the humerus). Weakness and/or  tendon pathology (usually avascularity) is often causative.
1. Strengthens the finger flexor muscles.
2. Equalizes the ratio between flexor and extensor muscle strength. 
3. Increases blood flow and lymph drainage.
4. Exercises muscles through full, natural planes of motion.

4. Osteoarthritis

Many varying causative factors for joint inflammation including overuse, traumatic, metabolic & genetic origins. Painful swelling, nodules & reduced ROM are common physical findings.
1. Increases blood flow and lymph drainage to/from cartilage.
2. Improves range of motion.      3. Exercises muscles through full, natural planes of motion.
*Begin by using soft product & progress as indicated. If patient cannot perform basic exercises with soft product, discontinue.

5. Osteoporosis

Decrease bone density resulting from factors such as metabolic factors, sedentary lifestyle, aging and poor diet. Fracture potential resulting from minor trauma is greatly increased.
1. Resistive exercises stimulate increased Ca+/element absorption and bone formation ,Wolfe’s Law
2. Increases blood flow (O2 & nutrients) and lymph drainage.
4. Exercises muscles through full, natural planes of motion.
6. Circulation/ Post-mastectomy, / Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/ Raynaud’s Disease
General group of conditions resulting in a reduction of normal blood flow to the hand, wrist and forearm.
1. Stimulates an increase of blood flow and lymph drainage to the area.
Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI’s)
Repetitive, imbalanced daily actions result in overuse, tissue imbalance and/or injury. Ergonomic and wellness exercise principles are generally ignored. Workers are physically not prepared for their workload.
1. Equalizes the ratio between flexor and extensor muscle strength (strength & balance).
2. Increases blood flow and lymph drainage to the area.
3. Exercises muscles through full, natural planes of motion.
4. It is a complete, convenient and cost-effective workplace injury solution. Everyone happy. 
Neuropathy/ Stroke Rehabilitation/ Nerve Palsies/ Spinal Cord Injury/Intention Tremor/ Parkinson’s Disease
Many causative factors result in an interruption in the conduction or coordination of nerve messages to cells, tissues (especially muscle) & organs.
1. Classically, putty or sponge balls are used in rehabilitation. The radial nerve is not stimulated unless extension & abductor muscles are used. Handmaster Plus™ stimulates ALL peripheral nerve roots. *Begin by using soft product  & progress as indicated.
Injury, Sprain & Fracture Rehabilitation/Post-Surgery Rehabilitation
Sprains & fractures are generally not rehabilitated and instead left to heal without thought of scar formation & ROM recovery. Post-surgery cases usually include very little or no follow-up exercise program. Any post injury/surgery exercise is usually limited to putty or a squeeze ball.
1. Exercises muscles through full, natural planes of motion.
2. Ensures blood flow and lymph drainage for prevention of chronic adhesion.
3. Equalizes the ratio between flexor and extensor muscle strength, ensuring optimal ROM & recovery.
Athletic Performance Enhancement & Injury Prevention
Generally accepted principles in athletic training involve strengthening reciprocal muscle groups and preparing the body completely for competition. Any edge that can be given to the athlete increases the chance of success. Many sports are based on daily repetitive gripping in competition, practice and training.
1. The only product to strengthen finger/thumb extension and abduction (7 muscles previously neglected). Increase speed, control & stamina of muscles that open and spread the hand.
2. Equalizes the ratio between flexor and extensor muscle strength, ensuring optimal performance and injury prevention. 
Musician Performance Enhancement & Injury Prevention
Stamina, coordination, range of motion and injury prevention are all important for musical performance and longevity. Many musical pursuits are based on daily repetitive gripping in competition, practice and training.
1. The only product to strengthen finger/thumb extension and abduction (7 muscles).                2. Equalizes the ratio between flexor and extensor muscle strength, ensuring optimal performance and injury prevention. 

DeQuervain’s Syndrome

Caused by repetitive motion where the thumb is constantly being required to move up and down - such as when using a computer keyboard or typewriter.
1. Equalizes the ratio between flexor and extensor muscles.
2. Increases blood flow and lymph drainage to the area.
3. Strengthens thumb extensor and abductor muscles.

 For more information regarding Handmaster Plus or to purchase, visit or for information email

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